フランス(スイスとの国境付近)から日本人Au Pair募集情報が入ってきました。
[ Country, City ] France Annemasse
[ Single Parent family? ] No
[ Family Nationality ] french
[ Number of Children ] 2
[ We Require Care for Children Under Age 2 ] No
[ Children's Ages ] 2; 4
[ Do You Require Special-Needs Care? ] No
[ Our children go to school (preschool) ] Yes
[ We have pets ] No
[ Number of family living with an Aupair ] Dad, Mum and 2 kids
[ Languages Spoken by Our Family ] English, French, little Japanese
[ Religion/Spiritual Practice ] No religion
[ Will Accept an Aupair Who Smokes ] Yes
30 Something Family
[ Require Au Pair Gender To Be ] Female
[ Prefers an Aupair in the age range ] No Preference
[ Aupair needs a driver licence ] No
[ Aupair needs to drive for work ] No
[ Will a Car Be Available for Your Au Pair's Use? ] Yes
[ Light Housework Required of Au Pair? ] Yes
[ Frequency that Aupair can go to school ] Every day (we'll need her from 7:30 to 8:30 and from 4:00 to 7:30)
[ Aupair can go to ] daytime school
[ Good language schools for Aupair, near our house ] Yes
[ Language Aupair needs to speak to children ] Japanese and little French
[ Preferred Au Pair Nationality ] Japanese
[ We pay air fare for Aupair ] Not at all
[ Earliest Starting Date Au Pair Required ] July 2018
[ Latest Starting Date Au Pair Required ] August 2018
[ Preferred Au Pair Nationality ] Aupair visa (we can help with the admin) 9 month 12 month
[ Comment ]
Regarding airfare we can discuss about little participation.
Here is the website of French lessons dedicated to aupair, near
our home: http://greta-lac.fr/formation/francais-langue-etrang
[ Au Pair Job Description ]
We need you to go to school with them in the morning, then pick
them up for lunch (or they can eat at the school restaurant if
you have French lesson during the day).
Then pick them up at 4:30 pm, have them eat, and then we come ba
ck from work before 7:30 pm. We'll help you to get diner ready.
We are an open minded family and we love to discuss about differ
ent cultures.
[ Comment ]
We live in a town in France near Geneva.
As we have a big house, you will have your own room and bathroom
, at your own floor.
The children like to play, inside or in the garden. They almost
never watch TV. They also like to hear music and to listen to s
tories. They have french and japanese books!
The father speaks a little Japanese and grandparents speak fluen
t Japanese if needed.
Children love to discover new things and wish t
o make progress in japanese, and learn more about the japanese
culture. And then they can teach you French.