最近、英語留学で人気の国、地中海のマルタ共和国にて短期の日本人Au Pair募集です。マルタからはなかなか募集が入ってこないので貴重な情報です。

[ Single Parent family? ] No
[ Number of Children ] 1
[ Children's Ages ] 3
[ Do You Require Special-Needs Care? ] No
[ Our children go to school (preschool) ] Yes
[ We have pets ] No
[ Number of family living with an Aupair ] 3
[ Languages Spoken by Our Family ] English
[ Will Accept an Aupair Who Smokes ] No
20 Something Family
[ Require Au Pair Gender To Be ] Either
[ Prefers an Aupair in the age range ] 26-30
[ Aupair needs a driver licence ] Yes
[ Aupair needs to drive for work ] Yes
[ Will a Car Be Available for Your Au Pair's Use? ] Yes
[ Light Housework Required of Au Pair? ] No
[ Frequency that Aupair can go to school ] anytime except work time
[ Aupair can go to ] daytime school
[ Good language schools for Aupair, near our house ] Yes
[ Language Aupair needs to speak to children ] Japanese and English
[ Preferred Au Pair Nationality ] Japanese
[ We pay air fare for Aupair ] Not at all
[ Earliest Starting Date Au Pair Required ] August 2017
[ Latest Starting Date Au Pair Required ] 7th August 2017
[ Preferred Au Pair Nationality ] Anything 1 month 2 month
[ Au Pair Job Description ]
We would like you to pick our 3 year old son from a summer schoo
l and take care of him until the parents come back to home. Coo
king a light meal is required.
Our son speaks only English, but we would like him to learn Japa
nese. It would be great for us if you try to talk with him in J
apanese and teach him. While our son is in the school,
you can go to English school. A private en-suite bed room in o
ur house is available.